Happy Friday!
I’ve been reflecting this week on the power of truly and honestly listening. My grandmother used to repeatedly say to me as a child – "You have two ears and one mouth for a reason!" I have listened in many different situations this week, here are just some of them…
In my client coaching sessions
In meetings with new connections
At a new business office opening launch event
At a Teddy Swims concert I went to
To a podcast whilst I ran
In discussions with my daughter as she finalises her GCSE choices
In telephone calls with friends
In a meeting where a client wanted to talk to me about a new business idea
We are required to listen for so much of our lives but how effectively do we do it? and how much do we really want to listen, (if we are totally honest with ourselves)?
The following is a reminder of how to actively listen with real intent, desire, interest and respect.
💡 Pay attention – focus on what others are saying and work to stay focused (keep
the phone out of sight/away to help with this)
💡 Acknowledge and respect others perspectives – understand others’ hilltops and
learn what their hilltops look like for them
💡 Repeat key words/statements others say to demonstrate you are listening
💡 Enjoy the silence - give others the space and time they deserve
💡 Ask open questions (TED – Tell, Explain, Describe – my favourite little model)
💡 Avoid turning the conversation into ‘Oh, this happened to me, I did this’ – I see this
ALL the time and it’s the exact opposite of active listening
💡 Encourage others to continue talking and have patience when they are thinking
of their response – this is where they may be starting to formulate
💡 Maintain eye contact and open posture as appropriate (body language is key to
strong listening skills)
💡 Avoid planning what to say next – this is so common and results in the listener
not listening at all – learn to embrace being in the moment to what is being said
If you want to find out more about how I help business, teams and individuals develop their skills of listening, I'd love to hear from you.
Have a super weekend and enjoy the sun!
