Happy Friday!
I wanted to talk about gratitude today.
Gratitude is an appreciation of:
1.) What we have ourselves
2.) What people and things around us bring to us
3.) What we bring to others
I’ve been using this brilliant gratitude journal since the start of January to capture what I am grateful for. This journal was created by the brilliant Lisa Steward and I have found it both easy and enjoyable to capture what I am grateful for each day. Reviewing the last two months this week has been great to review the range things I’ve captured.
For example; this week I have written the following (both small and big things)
⭐️ Listening to the children sing in the car along to my playlists
⭐️ Running in dry and sunny weather at long last!
⭐️ Reaching my marathon fundraising target
⭐️ Having a great pre-coaching programme discussion with a new client
⭐️ Cooking dinner together with the twins after school
⭐️ Attending my first ever sound bath and guided meditation session today and
supporting my friend with her new business at the same time
My challenge for you today…..
Given today marks the end of February, it’s a great day to reflect on the following three questions.
✨ What am I grateful for today?
✨ What am I grateful for this week?
✨ What am I grateful for this month?
Spend 10 minutes reflecting on the above and capture a minimum of 3 elements for each question. Notice how your perspective on your day/week/month changes/alters.
Have a great weekend ahead.
