Happy Friday,
A personal one today given it’s the last day of home school! I can't believe I wrote a blog post 51 weeks ago - the day we started this. To all the parents, carers, teachers and all those who support you, I salute you. It has been one of the hardest challenges we have faced as a family and I am not sure how we have done it at times but we have. I’m also conscious that as a family we have been so fortunate compared to so many. The point of sharing this is regardless of whether you have home-schooled or not never forget...
-you are braver and smarter than you think
-you are capable of so much more than you may realise
-to be proud of your achievements however big or small
-it's good to talk and share
-to ask for help
-to be kind to yourself
-to remember tomorrow is another day
I'm so proud of our children - their resilience, strength and determination has overwhelmed me. I wish everyone the best of luck on Monday and here's to brighter times ahead. I am looking forward to hopefully juggling a little less in life! Philip Hurdman - we did it!
